Moving To a New City Alone

by - October 30, 2017

Whether your new home is across the country or abroad, uprooting your life can be difficult, both physically and mentally. But not knowing a single person in your new city, moving alone is just plain daunting. But despite all the potential challenges, it was one of the best decision I’ve ever made.

About 4 years ago, I moved to Los Angeles from New Jersey by myself. I didn’t know a single person in my new city. But during that struggle came clarity, and I’ve grown and have learned so much about myself. My time in LA has been far from perfect, but I'm so happy I made the move.

**Moving to a new city alone is not just "brave" or "scary;" it's life changing**

For those of you who are willing and ready to go, or for those who are on the fence, here are some important tips to prepare for your big move:

Research, Research, Research
This might seem a bit obvious, but knowing what your plan is before you move will alleviate a lot of stress.

Familiarize yourself with your potential new city. Have you ever been there? Do you know what neighborhoods you’re interested in living in, or to avoid? Do you need a car, or will public transportation suffice?

Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask friends and family if they’ll help get you settled. You don’t have to do EVERYTHING alone :)

Be Ready to Spend Money
Whether you’re decorating your new apartment, or getting dinner or drinks with new friends and coworkers, you’re going to drop a lot of money in the first 3 months of your move. Sorry to bust your money-saving-bubble.

But be sure you can financially support yourself! I believe the rule of thumb is to have at least 11/2 to 2 months’ worth of rent saved up.

Get Involved in Your New Community
Getting involved in your new city in some way is a great way to meet people! Join a club or a sports team. Volunteer at a local shelter. Participate in a beach or park clean up.

Since everything is fresh and new, it will feel good to be a part of something that’s both familiar and rewarding. I've played soccer almost my whole life, and after living in LA for four months, I found a soccer team and league I could join. It felt so good to be a part of something, not to mention getting in a workout!

It's Okay to Feel Alone
This one is important. A lot of people are afraid of being alone. I too, am one of those people. But learn to embrace it. There will be hard days. There will be days you feel like you want to move back home.

You are not alone.

Everyone feels this way. It’s important to surround yourself with people who lift you up and encourage you to keep going.

And use your alone time to your advantage! Explore new passions or interests that you may not have been able to explore before. You will learn a lot about yourself during this time.

Nothing is Permanent
Last but not least, nothing in life is permanent.

If, after a time, you decide that you’re not completely in love with your new city, you don’t have to stay. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for the sake of “sticking it out.”

But also give yourself a break. Remember: moving alone is hard. It will take time to settle in; it will take time to make friends; and it will take time before you start to feel at home.

I had a lot of people in my life judge my decision to move to Los Angeles.  And for a while, I felt like I needed to make it work so I could throw my success back in their face! But holding onto their negativity really isn’t worth it. Who cares what everyone else thinks. Most of the time those people are jealous of you. I know in my heart that if I decide to move again, whether it be back to New Jersey or elsewhere, I am making that decision on my own, and for myself.

**I’ve said this before (see my previous post), but I’ll say it again:
Don’t be afraid of change. Embrace it.

Does anyone have any experience with moving alone? Share any tips and tricks below!

xo, H

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